SKF LGHP 2/1 High Performance, High Temperature Bearing Grease

SKF LGHP 2 is a premium quality mineral oil based grease, using a modern Polyurea thickener. It is suitable for electric motors and similar applications.


  • Extremely long life at high temperatures
  • Wide temperature range
  • Excellent corrosion protection
  • High thermal and mechanical stability
  • Good start-up performance at low temperatures
  • Compatibility with common polyurea and lithium thickened greases
  • Low noise properties

Typical applications

  • Electric motors: Small, medium and large
  • Industrial fans, including high speed fans
  • Water pumps
  • Rolling bearings in textile, paper processing and drying machines
  • Applications with medium and high speed ball (and roller)
  • Bearings operating at medium and high temperatures
  • Clutch release bearings
  • Vertical shaft applications
  • Kiln trucks and rollers

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